Damn & Blast

Blog 23 Sep 2013 By Susan McFarlane

Since its inception the PPF have based the risk based levy on the D&B rating of Scheme sponsors.  This system is not without its shortfalls and critics but, we have learned to live with it.  Consultants have come to terms with the vagaries of how D&B work and sponsors have spent a lot of time and money putting processes in place to mange their D&B rating. Alas the PPF have announced that they will part company with D&B and from the 2015/16 levy they will instead partner with Experion.  In the meantime D&B scores will continue to be used as they have been in the past while the PPF and Experian work together to develop a bespoke scoring system. Access to the new insolvency risk scores expected early next year. I expect that the PPFs aim will be to limit the peculiarities that score holding companies with minimum assets and trading histories highly while strong, long standing trading companies are scored lowly due to late payment of the occasional invoice. Only time will tell how much value the strategies currently in place to manage D&B ratings will have under the new system.

Susan McFarlane

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