Download your Q2 2016 Pensions Update

Blog 17 Jun 2016 By Matthew Leathem

Here we are, at the end of Q2 and Spence are pleased to be publishing our topical round up of developments over the last three months with time saving summaries, helpful links to papers and blogs and action points for Employers and Trustees to consider.  It’s an essential tool for Employers and Trustees who need to keep up to date with developments that affect them and their schemes.  Highlights for this quarter include:

  • A brief summary of George Osbornes 2016 Budget
  • An outline of the new Lifetime ISA
  • How might the Brexit Referendum affect schemes?
  • Notwithstanding Brexit what has been happening in Europe and what will it mean for schemes?
  • Important changes for Corporate trustees: Persons with Significant Control Regime

We love to get feedback and constructive criticism.  If you like what we do please tell us, it’s nice to get great feedback.  If you would like things included, excluded or done differently please drop us a line.  The report is to help you so help us tailor it to your needs.

Matthew Leathem

Actuarial & Investment
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