
Our service simplifies trustee operations, providing effective governance systems, empowering your decision-making.

The heart of scheme management

Governance that supports you

Governance is at the heart of efficient scheme management and informed decision making. For a scheme to meet its objectives, it MUST have in place the right structures, tools and processes.

Governance is not about ticking boxes; it’s about running a pension scheme the right way for the benefit of all parties involved.

Do you want help with your governance?

Creating a robust governance system

Defined Benefit schemes have a rich history of rule changes, growing regulatory expectations and legislative requirements. The task of developing and maintaining a robust governance system within this landscape has been and continues to be tricky.

Trustee Boards need to be confident that their Governance and Secretarial service allows them to focus on key decisions knowing that they have an Effective System of Governance (ESOG).

  • Decision making needs to be informed, recorded and auditable.
  • Documents need to be up to date and accessible in a secure environment.
  • Business plans need to be maintained, actions recorded and monitored, and future activity planned for.

Those who have the experience, the technical resources and the manpower are best placed to take on this task.

The trustees can then apply themselves to the strategic thinking and decision making needed to create a safe and sustainable retirement for their members.


Our service ensures:

We coordinate the preparation of each Trustees’ meeting, all governance and secretarial tasks including meetings packs, minute taking and project management.

Adviser Clarity

Instructions to advisers are clear and concise so that the resultant advice is equally clear and concise and addresses the Trustees’ requirements.

Key Person

There is a single person clearly responsible for coordinating and managing regulatory and legislative compliance on governance matters

Adviser Agreement

Relationships between a wide range of advisers, including external investment advisers, auditors and legal advisers is collaborative and joined up.

Conflict Management

Conflicts of interest are managed with robust processes.

Meet our Trustee Governance Team

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