PPF Services

We assist pension schemes during employer insolvency, providing swift clarity and support. As PPF panel members, we handle data reviews and collaborate with advisors to secure pensions.

Ensuring Member Security

We provide clarity and support

We work with pension schemes where the employer is experiencing financial difficulty or has become insolvent. Usually, schemes where their sponsors have become insolvent will enter a PPF Assessment Period.

Insolvency of an employer is an incredibly difficult and uncertain time for members. It requires a unique combination of technical excellence and a high level of empathy. It’s critical to support schemes and members to deal with what can be extremely challenging circumstances.

Need Support?

Pension security during financial uncertainty

Contingency plans for at-risk schemes

During the assessment period, one of the PPF’s panel firms, such as Spence, will then take the scheme through an extensive period of data and benefit review. Working in partnership with legal advisors and other specialists in preparation for transferring members to the PPF, or helping to secure members’ pensions with an insurer.

We have played a leading role in the transfer over 150 schemes to the PPF or its precursor the Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS).

We also work with schemes where the sponsor is in financial difficulty to make sure that appropriate and effective contingency plans are put in place. These plans are highly scheme specific, covering all angles of potential risk. From ensuring member pensions can continue to be paid on time, to ensuring all governing documents can be located and controlled.

The PPF provide an excellent description of the pension compensation they provide, here: What being a PPF member means | Pension Protection Fund

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